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Why subscribe?

Today, we are materially wealthier than ever before—yet people are also more miserable than ever. This is because we are confused. We have a lot of muck on our mind’s eye, and can’t see clearly what is.

In other words, we have all we need—but ignore it because we are asleep.

This project is dedicated to reminding you that the Kingdom of Heaven is, as Jesus says in the Gospel of Thomas, “spread out over the earth, but people don’t see it.”

Leaving the Cave

By subscribing, you will get refreshing pieces of writing that challenge your presumptions about life, to melt away stagnant frames of mind and readjust your perception towards its full potential—to help you get the most out of life.

This newsletter is the email-equivalent of Zen masters poking their pupils with keisakus (“awakening sticks"). Each new post will serve as a nudge to wake you up to the real world; to help you out of Plato’s cave (or escape the matrix); and to see the Heavenly Kingdom already present everywhere.

On the free plan, you will get the same essays I publish on Medium—but you get them directly to your inbox, before I post them elsewhere. On the paid subscription, besides the regular essays, you get exclusive pieces and other subscriber-only content that nobody else does; containing the most piercing insights. You also have the option to become a Founding Member, giving you the option for one-on-one discourse via email with me.

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Only subscribe if you are ready…

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Leaving the cave—email by email


Everything is born to nourish something greater than itself.